



The carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, red, white, and yellow varieties exist.

Do carrots make you see in the dark? Carrots contain vitamin A (retinol) which is great for eye support enabling eyes to operate in low light, if you are deficient carrots can assist in bring the levels back up to normal levels, however the carrot won’t give you super human abilities to see in pitch blackness.

5 Fun Facts About Carrots from
1. First Use: People first grew carrots as medicine, not food, for a variety of ailments.
2. They’re How Old?: Carrots can be traced back about 5,000 years through historical documents and paintings. No one knows exactly when the first carrots appeared, because many people mistook them for parsnips, a close relative of the carrot.
3. Nutrition Facts: A medium-size carrot has 25 calories, 6 grams of carbs, and 2 grams of fiber. The veggie is an excellent source of vitamin A, providing more than 200% of your daily requirement in just one carrot. Carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, a natural chemical that the body changes into vitamin A. The deeper orange the carrot, the more beta-carotene you’re getting.
4. Carrot Colours: We think of carrots as orange, but they can also be white, yellow, red, and purple.
5. A Surprising Hater of Carrots: Mel Blanc, the voice of cartoon character Bugs Bunny, reportedly did not like carrots.

They can be used much like all other root vegetables in casseroles, roasted with a little salt, raw on their own or in salads and the way I use them the most in juicing.
Available from any place that sells vegetables however, remember organic is always best.

Recipe: Carrot, Apple and Orange juice

• 2 large carrots
• 2 oranges
• 1 apple
1. Cut carrot and apple in pieces, no need to peel or core.
2. Peel outer skin of oranges and cut into pieces
3. Piece by piece add to juicing machine until all processed
4. Drink ASAP